Friday, July 11, 2008

A Week in Germany

This is Deb, Hannah's mom reporting in for her. Hannah called us this afternoon with this report.
Hannah has now spent 1 week in Germany and is adjusting to all the newness of things. Hannah and DeeDy have been having a great time together. Today they taught the children of the Kindergarten that DeeDy attended at that age. They told the story of Jonah. The children really enjoyed that. Then they traveled by train and bike to another town close by to see some historical buildings. On the way back on their bikes it downpoured with rain and they came home very wet! Saturday they travel to see Berlin and then next week DeeDy and Hannah will go to their vacation cabin by a lake to spend a couple of days. After that they begin their traveling with a trip to the Chech Republic and Austria. They will visit DeeDy's relatives in Southern Germany also while on this trip. Yesterday was Andrea's Birthday and Hannah said they ate too many sweets! She is enjoying the food there and is liking some things that she doesn't like at home. Maybe we will have to make these dishes german style! Hannah will try to report in after their time at the lake. She has been busy teaching and touring and hasn't had much time to get on a computer.
Here are some pictures that Andrea sent. Anisja is DeeDy's sis, Hannah and Deedy being silly. Hannah and DeeDy with matching outfits that they bought. People told them they looked like twins. Andrea and Hartmut on Andrea's BD. Andrea is wearing the necklace that Hannah gave her for her birthday.
Chowie, (which is a type of goodbye) from Hannah.

PS Jon and I are doing well. We miss her but are adjusting and are looking forward to some R & R in the next few weeks.


Christi Berns said...

Hey - sounds like too much fun in Germany - bike riding in the rain -you can do that here!! Wheat harvest is underway so kleenexes are flying around here - hello allergies!! So fun to see you and your "twin" DeeDy having a great visit - your light is definitely twinkling!! Take lots of photos and make lots of memories!! Love ya! Christi

The Hansen's said...

Hi We are in Venango. Good Trip.
I emailed you so you can check your message.

